CampusCE Case Study
Delivering Data to
Master the Possibilities
Master the Possibilities Lifelong Learning Center
CampusCE Case Study
Master the Possibilities Lifelong Learning Center
The majority of students at MTP take multiple courses per term. And while most register online, they frequently phone or visit the MTP office to request specific information about their current and upcoming courses.
However, data points such as listing date, location, title, and notes, plus custom fields including location, section comments, parking/building information, and more could be found only in separate, pre-formatted reports.
With data about multiple students’ multiple registrations across multiple orders students scattered throughout different systems and reports, pulling the reports manually and extracting data fields manually could take MTP staff from 15 to 30 minutes to fulfill a simple request from a student. It was a waste of staff time and presented a poor image of the organization to students.
CampusCE Data Direct, a configurable dashboard reporting solution with a data-on-demand connection, provides clients with a deep level of customization. It enabled MTP to combine its multiple data fields into one, easy-to-read report in Microsoft Access. Data Direct detailed each course’s start and end times, date(s), location(s), title, and any special notes attached to the course. MTP could even sort the report chronologically so students could view their upcoming schedule of classes. Data Direct also provided snapshot views of memberships, registrations per membership per term, revenue, and many more data points.
Data Direct connected MTP via an open database connection to a secure data warehouse that also offers pre-built views and reports. All views and dashboards can be designed to auto update on a schedule and are also clickable for “instant, real-time data.”
Data Direct provides a point and click environment to establish easy access to multiple data sources and automates code generation. Using tight integration with Microsoft Excel means ease of use and rapid deployment with minimal or no training. With Data Direct, users can effortlessly navigate the information that they need in seconds.
Freed staff to focus on revenue-generating tasks
Increased student/customer satisfaction
Rollout to other functions
Immediately we had a solution that quickly and accurately provides staff and students with both detailed and snapshot overviews of memberships, registrations per membership per term, revenue, and more.
Students send regular feedback that the new, detailed registration report is simple enough to understand, while containing all the necessary details in one view.
…the solution of a single report with all the details on one view, [is] a great time saving benefit.
CampusCE Data Direct saved MTP staff 10 hours per week of manual report pulling, report manipulation, and fulfilling customized student reporting requests.
Now, staff use that time to focus on revenue-generating tasks such as community outreach, course development, and marketing. They report feeling less stressed because students are getting the information they need without delay.
Students send regular feedback that the new, detailed registration report is simple enough to understand, while containing all the necessary details in one view.
After realizing Data Direct’s timesaving and flexibility, MTP has since added it to other areas.
In 2021, every organization should have instant access to its data. To find out how Data Direct can integrate and report your data, visit us at
Master the Possibilities (MTP) is a membership-based, not for-profit Lifelong Learning Center that provides quality instruction and noncredit learning experiences for more than
5,000 adult students in Ocala, FL and beyond. They process over 20,000 registrations annually and inspire students to explore their interests, uncover their passions, and leverage
their talents to make positive changes within themselves and their communities.
CampusCE solves the online registration, program management, reporting, and marketing challenges faced by all types of continuing education programs. The CampusCE Education Management System (EMS) is a student information system and e-commerce platform designed for the needs of open enrollment programs. CampusCE also designs, develops, and hosts a suite of on-demand software services for colleges, universities, and institutes of higher education.
CampusCE is currently deployed at major universities and community colleges in over thirty-five states, reaching more than 500,000 continuing education and lifelong students nationwide.
When you work with CampusCE, you’re working with higher education professionals who have been in your shoes.